“When there is loud music after midnight I call the police and they show up right away.” — Self-identified Latino resident of Lower South Providence
Testimonial Category: Residential noise
“Noise violations are so frequent in Elmwood … if I reported every time, I’d be calling daily. I’ve gotten to the point where I leave the neighborhood on weekends just to avoid the loud noise all day and into the night. It’s not the music that’s off-putting, it’s the volume of the music. The birds … Read more
“I moved from out of state and after 1.5 years I am actively trying to move out of Providence. The noise is a major factor in that decision.” — Elmwood / Upper South Providence resident
“I love hearing the fabric of the neighborhood. When some neighbors take it too far and are extremely loud for extended periods of time, they are borrowing from my own peace. I needed to redecorate my house so that I had bookshelves and thick canvas on any exterior walls to try and create a noise … Read more
“When police come and just ask them to turn it down, and then leave after warning, [the noise-making residents] turn the music on again low and then slowly turn it up high again. They need to fine the people doing this over and over — it’s basically the same handful of people. Start fining people after … Read more
“Focus on engaging working-class neighborhoods (specifically women) because from my perspective people in those places are ‘hostages’ with no way [to escape noise]. Police won’t enforce in those places because it’s ‘expected’ or ‘how it is’.” — Rankin Avenue resident
“I feel I have no support from police or city officials when I complain about a house that has been playing loud music for the last 4 years … With the new mega speakers and the disrespect of more loud house parties all day and night, citations need to be given.” — Resident at Flora … Read more
“As I have discussed in previous Ward Letters, there is a lot of discussion in our neighborhoods about noise, and complaints about noise have increased during the pandemic as more people are working from home. One recurring issue is the use of leafblowers by landscape crews in our city. With several of my council colleagues, … Read more
“I lived in central Paris in Spring [2022], and the noise there came nowhere close to the level of disruptive noise in Providence. The street noise — motorcycles, unregulated car engines, I-95 — here is deafening. Add to that the summer rock concerts, college parties, and of course insufferable fireworks, and this is the noisiest … Read more
“Loud thumping bass music occurs for hours into the early morning. I’m writing this at 4:00 a.m. because LOUD deep bass music that I cannot seem to locate has been going on since before 10:00 pm and has woken me up. This occurred every Saturday, and many Thursdays and Fridays last summer. … Summit neighborhood … Read more