“The noise in this neighborhood largely comes from the chaotic auto shops that use the road as a parking lot, private residences, and a parking lot at the end of Peace Street where people park their cars and blast music with commercial level speakers. Despite the hour, car stereos are always turned to a stadium level.

Cops drive by and do absolutely nothing about it. It feels helpless as a resident. The noise levels persist from afternoon to early in the morning. Cars driving through blast their systems at all hours of the morning. Worse, people in the neighborhood will sit outside of their houses and blast their car stereos. The volume is so loud that pictures have fallen off my wall, and I cannot even watch television or have a conversation at a normal volume.

The argument I often hear in response is that … loud music is culturally typical. I don’t find that to be an acceptable answer, because I know many of my neighbors [of that culture] do not appreciate the noise and are absolutely haunted by it. The noise and the street parties are largely what keeps this neighborhood decrepit. It feels lawless. We will be leaving this neighborhood and opting not to buy here like we had initially planned.”

— Elmwood resident in 2024