“Even publishing the quietest and loudest neighborhoods, so folks can make informed decisions about where to possibly live if they are noise sensitive, would improve our quality of life in Providence.” — Self-identified African-American resident of Charles neighborhood, 2024 Mayor Brett Smiley supported measuring noise in Providence as a candidate, but reneged on doing so … Read more

“The noise in this neighborhood largely comes from the chaotic auto shops that use the road as a parking lot, private residences, and a parking lot at the end of Peace Street where people park their cars and blast music with commercial level speakers. Despite the hour, car stereos are always turned to a stadium … Read more

“First I speak with the neighbor [making excessive noise]. I realize that if they are blasting their music they do not care what I have to say. Then my neighbors and I report the house to the [Providence Police] non-emergency number. We are frustrated because nothing happens. We get more stressed knowing that we have … Read more

“At school pick-up [time], parents don’t get out of their cars to get their kids, they wail on the horn! With people and kids all around. It’s shocking, jarring, and so frustrating! I have never had so much stress and anxiety living in the city.” — Elmwood resident who previously lived in Detroit for 20 years

“[The police should] patrol more often, and issue fewer warnings — especially when they’re called regularly for complaints to the same address. The noise gets crazy, especially on weekends.” — Self-identified Latino resident of the West End

“Closing windows, going inside, going to a quieter room, earplugs, even wearing $100 noise-cancelling headphones have almost no effect because the music is so loud.” — West End resident

“The one time the police came, there were three squad cars that surrounded us like we were suspects. They suggested that the loud noise must be pizza deliveries (at 3:00 a.m.). We saw how little they cared and how little they patrolled. ‘Community Policing’ [in Providence] is a myth.” — Valley resident

“Those who apply for event permits must adhere to the legal decibel levels. They seem to think that a permit is a free pass to play music as loud as it will go. Further, no permits should allow music to be played or loudspeaker noise when the event is in a [residential] neighborhood.” — Upper … Read more

“We reported the loud music after hours and we are intimidated by noisy people and getting louder music. We are scared to complain. Noisy neighbors are acting like they are the right ones.” — Resident of Providence public housing at Bodell Avenue (Hartford)

“The fireworks are a big problem in my neighborhood. They’ve been going since the beginning of May (started occasionally) and now, every night, are very loud — the other night [we were] woken up at 3:00 a.m. Loud music on the weekend, sometimes late at night. Sometimes it’s actually “city quiet” here, but not enough. … Read more