We support effective leafblower regulation

In late 2024, Providence City Council member and Environment Committee chair Sue AnderBois (Ward 3) introduced a proposed amendment (47724) to regulate the use of heavily-polluting gas-fueled leafblowers and similar landscaping equipment in the city. The amendment co-sponsors are John Goncalves (Ward 1), Helen Anthony (Ward 2), Miguel Sanchez (Ward 5), Ana Vargas (Ward 7), … Read more

Leafblower letter to policymakers

Below is a sample letter that Providence / RI residents can send to local and state policymakers, asking themto sponsor or support legislation and policies to limit the adverse health and environmental effects of gas-powered leafblowers and other landscaping tools. Subject line (if e-mail): Please take action to regulate leafblowers Dear [Mayor / City Councilmember … Read more