Noise-Related Organizations
U.S. national / regional • International
United States
National entities
American Green Zone Alliance — A non-profit organization seeking to improve quality of life for U.S. communities and working conditions for those in the landscaping industry by promoting the transition to quieter and healthier electric-powered equipment.
American Public Health Association — Statements on environmental noise-pollution control
Environmental Protection Agency (Washington, DC) — The branch of the U.S. government authorized to regulate noise, under subchapter IV of the 1970 Clean Air Act. This effort was led by the EPA’s Office of Noise Abatement and Control, until it was de-funded in the 1980s. Since then, and in contrast to other sources of air pollution, the EPA has abdicated its responsibility to enforce noise regulations in the U.S., although the Clean Air Act remains in force. See the EPA’s New England regional office below.
Noise Free America (Chapel Hill, NC) — A website with information on reducing noise from multiple sources.
Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (Montpelier, VT)
NoiseOFF (NY) — Site resources include flyers on nuisance car alarms and cars with loud stereos.
The Noise Project* (“Solving Noise Pollution, One Decibel at a Time”) — A community science research project funded by the National Science Foundation and led by communities that have been historically excluded from the sciences, in collaboration with Cornell University. The project centers equity in the fight against noise pollution, with a goal of exploring noise impacts on personal and community well-being and connecting people to safe and healthy sound environments.
* [Not to be confused with our own project with a similar name]
‘Progressives Against Sleep’ (U.S.) — A virtual, ad hoc collective of self-identified liberals who claim to support broad social interests, yet actively oppose efforts to reduce deliberate, unhealthy, and unnecessary noise by a small number of individuals depriving the community of restful sleep.
Quiet Clean Alliance — National network of independent campaigns to eliminate gas-fueled leafblowers from U.S. communities due to their considerable health and environmental harms.
Quiet Communities (Concord, MA) — A non-profit organization dedicated to long-lasting structural and behavioral changes that reduce health and environmental harm from noise and pollution, and result in quieter, more sustainable, and more livable communities.
Quiet Links Library (Los Angeles, CA) — A searchable compendium of sound-related scientific research studies.
Rutgers Noise Technical Assistance Center — A program of the state university’s Department of Environmental Sciences that trains and certifies investigators from all over the U.S. in sound-level measurement for the purposes of evaluating compliance with state and local noise codes.
Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) — ‘The NRA of Noise’. The industry association for companies that manufacture and sell modified exhaust systems to make vehicles louder rather than quieter. These firms profit from damaging people’s health (including those who buy their equipment), yet somehow evade legal repercussions for enabling the large-scale violation of federal law.
Regional entities
Citizens Against Airboat Noise (South Freeport, Maine) — formerly known as Mainers Against Coastal Noise Pollution
Clean Air Northeast — A multi-state initiative (including the EPA and private-sector companies) to reduce vehicle emissions, improve public health, and promote so-called “clean diesel” technology
Community Noise Lab (Providence, RI) — Led by a faculty member of the Brown University School of Public Health
EPA Region 1: New England office (Boston, MA) — Administers EPA activities in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and 10 Native American tribal nations. Under the 1972 Noise Control Act and 1978 Quiet Communities Act, Congress authorized the EPA to conduct research on unhealthy noise and develop policies to reduce it. E-mail:
Phone: (888) 372-7341, voicemail box supposedly checked daily and calls returned within 24 hours.
Huntington Clean Alternative Landscaping Methods (NY) — Provides education and outreach on the health and environmental impacts of highly polluting and noisy landscape equipment, with a goal of moving the commercial landscaping industry to zero-emission, quiet, and sustainable practices
New Jersey Noise Control Council — A 13-member advisory body affiliated with the Bureau of Local Environmental Management and established under the state’s Noise Control Act, comprising nine public members appointed by the governor and four representatives from various state agencies, to consider matters related to noise control and regulation. Meets approximately ten times per year.
Providence Noise Project (RI) — In addition to this website, you can peruse the Noise Project’s newsletter archive to see some of the issues we address and some of our past activities.
Quiet Clean RI — Working to reduce noise and other harmful emissions from landscaping equipment
Quiet Florida — Working to reduce vehicle noise
Quiet Montclair (NJ)
Sounds of New York City (SONYC) — An ongoing five-year study funded by the National Science Foundation to monitor the most frequent civic complaint in America’s biggest and loudest city.
Stop the Chop NY / NJ — A grassroots organization formed to prohibit non-essential helicopter flights (e.g., commuting, sightseeing / photography tours, etc) that assail residents of the New York City metropolitan area with incessant and excessive noise and toxic emissions
Streeterville Neighborhood Advocates (Chicago, IL) — A group of residents on the near-north side of Chicago seeking to address noise from modified vehicle exhausts
International noise organizations
Noise is a much more prominent issue outside of the United States — especially in Europe, which is far
ahead of the U.S. in recognizing, studying, and addressing its health, environmental, and social effects.
BruitParif (France) — A national non-profit organization addressing noise in France.
Center for Noise Information / Centre d’Information sur le Bruit (France) — A law association created in 1978 and recognized by the French government as a public utility since 2007.
Costa Rica Sin Ruido (Costa Rica Without Noise) — Civil society organization comprising people who seek a Costa Rica with less noise pollution and a “positive soundscape.”
Droit au Sommeil (Right to Sleep) Paris — A residents’ collective seeking public policies to protect the sleep and health of Parisians
European Union Against Aircraft Nuisances (Brussels, Belgium) — Seeks to represent, inform, and protect EU citizens affected by the adverse impacts of aircraft noise and air pollution at European airports
Hirali Foundation (Maharashtra, India) — Among other environmental issues, the Foundation seeks to address noise pollution from fireworks, excessive horn honking, and modified mufflers
International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise (Stockholm, Sweden) — A global non-profit organization promoting scientific research concerning all the aspects of noise-induced effects on human beings and animals, including preventive regulatory measures.
International Noise Awareness Day — Seeks to raise awareness about the harmful effects of noise on hearing, health, and quality of life, and inspire positive action to reduce noise in communities around the world.
Juristas Contra El Ruido / Jurists Against Noise (Madrid, Spain) — An association of legal professionals who specialize in noise-related issues.
National Noise Council / Counseil National du Bruit (France) — Commission created in 1982 to advise the French Ministry of Ecology regarding ”noise pollution and the improvement of the quality of the sound environment.”
No More Noise Toronto (Canada) — Residents of Canada’s largest and loudest city seeking to educate the public and city leaders about urban noise, its health effects, and how noise reduction can lead to more dynamic communities, healthier people, and better quality of life.
Noise Abatement Society (UK) — A British non-profit organization that seeks to provide a better understanding of the physical and mental distress caused by excessive noise and how to address it in a pragmatic and sustainable way that improves health and wellbeing, learning, productivity and social cohesion.
Noise Nuisance (UK) — Founded in 2012 by a group of legal, academic, and noise-enforcement professionals who volunteer in their spare time to provide advice and help for those suffering from noise-related anti-social behavior, and training and assistance to organizations and professionals.
Noise Observation and Information Service for Europe (NOISE) — A service of the European Environment Agency (EEA), the EU’s equivalent of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Right to Quiet (Vancouver, Canada)
UK Noise Association (Britain) — See their Sept. 2023 “Manifesto to Tackle Noise and Provide Solutions”