“We moved to Providence a year ago after decades in NYC and London, where we have never experienced noise levels like the ones we’re subjected to here. Our terrace is unusable and our windows must be closed because of the constant din of speeding motorcycles, unmufflered cars, booming radios, and large trucks speeding off of … Read more
Testimonial Category: Vehicle noise
“Take noise complaints seriously. Don’t allow businesses to have outdoor concerts / music past a certain hour. Local businesses should be made aware of the effects of their excessive noise. Governing bodies and law enforcement should give citations for noise pollution from cars and motorcycles.” — Fox Point resident
“Memorial Boulevard is a drag strip for vehicles from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Police are under-staffed to do anything about the noise or racing cars and motorcycles. [There should be] automatic ticketing of vehicles that race and produce noise on Memorial Blvd.” — Downtown resident
“For a town this size, it’s surprising how much noise is generated … Fine people for excessive noise from their cars at any time, day or night. Make the fines heavy enough that it will make people not want to get another ticket!” — Downtown resident, who lived in NY City for 35 years
“Excessive speeding on our street, loud mufflers purposely installed, lots of revving … You can’t get away from it.” — College Hill resident
“The two major noise sources are excessively loud motorcycles / cars and leafblowers and weed whackers. Construction noise and loud beeping trucks are annoying, but it’s a temporary and necessary situation.” — College Hill resident
“Emergency vehicles should be more judicious when they use their sirens. Sirens at 3:00 a.m. are not necessary!!!!” — Wayland resident
“Tenants in my building have moved out because of … the noise from garbage and delivery trucks (full-size tractor trailers) that use parking lots abutting our building to access local restaurants / stores.” — Wayland Square resident
“At school pick-up [time], parents don’t get out of their cars to get their kids, they wail on the horn! With people and kids all around. It’s shocking, jarring, and so frustrating! I have never had so much stress and anxiety living in the city.” — Elmwood resident who previously lived in Detroit for 20 years
“A large van with a massive sound system shows up on the street blasting music for hours at a time, and about 50–100 cars and people follow them. It is definitely organized, [though] I’m not sure … how people are made aware of it. I’ve called the police every time, along with my neighbors, and … Read more