“[We have made] many ignored / unanswered requests for speed bumps on Killingly Street, which is used like a drag strip at night. We have good laws, [but] we have no enforcement, at least around here.” — Valley resident

“I didn’t know … where to go with the complaint, and I doubt anything would be done about it.” — Federal Hill resident

“The nightclub noise on Federal Hill is terrible. Police do nothing. The Board of Licensing gives permits and licenses to establishments which continually violate the law. That practice must change because it is unlawful.” — Federal Hill resident

“Increase Board of Licenses [BOL] enforcement of existing noise laws. … The BOL has no decibel-level meters and does not investigate noise violations.” — Federal Hill resident

“Between the four incessantly barking dogs on my block, the subwoofers from the many cars that drive around my area and idle on my street with their subwoofer on blast as they lay on the horn for whoever they are waiting for, as well as my neighbor who has get togethers on the sidewalk directly … Read more