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Sustainable landscaping may finally be here!

You are receiving this message because you either submitted a leafblower pledge on the Noise Project's website, or are a Providence resident who identified leafblowers as a source of noise in your neighborhood in our Community Noise Survey.

We recently added additional options to the leafblower pledge to indicate interest in switching to sustainable (non-gasoline) landscaping, trading in gas-fueled lawncare equipment, and to indicate which landscaping services you use (if any), but many people filled out the form before we did so, and we'd like to learn how many of you would have selected one or more of them.

If you would have answered any of those questions when you pledged, please click the button below and send us an e-mail to let us know, and we will update the information in your pledge submission:
If you are interested in sustainable landscaping, please let us know what sorts of services you either use now or would like to receive, a rough estimate of what you would pay for each, and for Providence residents* only what neighborhood you live in.

We are in discussions with at least one landscaping company that has indicated a willingness to provide electric-powered lawncare services in Providence, if we can gather a sufficient number of potential clients. Telling us your lawncare preferences does not obligate you to use that company's services, but helps us to determine what services the majority of homeowners want, and what they're willing to pay for them.

* This initiative is currently limited to PVD, but we may be able to extend it in the future.
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