Autumn means leaves, leafblowers, and maybe a new ordinance, too
You are receiving this message because you submitted a leafblower pledge on the Noise Project’s website. And as you may recall, we promised that we wouldn't share your name, street address, or e-mail with anyone without your permission.
It's now time for us to ask for it, because we want to start “lobbying” members of the Providence City Council to support an amended noise ordinance related to gas-fueled leafblowers and other lawncare equipment such as string- and hedge-trimmers, and one element of that is telling them which of their constituents supports a new bill.*
Background: We’re working with a couple of Councilmembers on a proposal to revise a leafblower amendment that was introduced in 2021. That older amendment had a hearing in the Ordinance Committee, but was never put to a vote in the committee, and so it never went to the full City Council for a final vote to pass it.
The sponsor of that amendment, Ward 1 Councilmember John Goncalves, decided to wait until after the 2022 election to try again, in hopes of being able to pass a revised ordinance with new councilmembers who would elected. We’re now at the point where a new ordinance amendment proposal is being discussed — hence, this message.
To speed the approval, we’re using an “opt-out” process. If you’re OK with letting us share your name with your City Councilmember or state representative, you don’t have to do anything. But if you don’t want us to share your name, please use the button below to send us an e-mail asking us not to do so, and we will abide by your request.
If you have any questions about the new ordinance amendment, our privacy policy, or anything else related to leafblowers or noise, please e-mail us through the Contact page on our website. If you would like to get involved with helping to advance the new amendment, please type “Leafblower volunteer” in the subject line.
Thank you for supporting reasonable leafblower regulations, better working conditions for landscaping crew members, and a quieter and healthier city for residents and visitors.
* This amendment only applies to Providence residents, but we may want to share the names of those who don't live in the city with their state representatives at some point early next year, so we’re asking everybody now. We will only share your name with your specific City Council member or state rep, who already has a list of their constituents — all we’ll be doing is telling them that you support new regulations.
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