We’re writing you now to alert you to new Providence Mayor Brett Smiley’s “Community Satisfaction Survey.” The invitation we received from his administration reads as follows:
Help shape the future of the @CityofProv by participating in our community satisfaction survey. Whether you're a resident or business owner, your input is greatly appreciated & will help our team better understand what issues matter most to you.
(For those who are not Twitter users, “@CityofProv” is the address for the city's official Twitter account.)
Among the questions on residents’ satisfaction with various aspects of city services and quality of life is one on “respect for city noise ordinances” — which indicates the issue has at least reached the level of education, public safety, garbage collection, etc. In other words, unlike under Jorge Elorza, the new administration at least recognizes that PVD residents may consider noise an issue of concern, and one the city must therefore address. That’s progress!
With that in mind, we urge all of our supporters to fill out Mayor Smiley's very short Community Satisfaction survey — including and especially the question about noise — and encourage your neighbors and friends / relatives who live in Providence to do so too. It may not lead to the changes we think are long-overdue in Providence policy, but it could be a step toward improvement, which would be a welcome change after eight years of the status quo.
The link to the Community Satisfaction Survey form is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pollPVD. And if you haven't already taken the Project's own survey about your experience of noise in Providence, click on the button below.
As always, we appreciate your interest in and support for the Noise Project, and its efforts to make Providence a quieter and healthier place to live, work, and visit.
Thanks and have a great Presidents Day weekend!
“Noise is the new smoking”